This is Not the Crime Wave You Seek
Updated: Apr 3, 2022
Conservatives and the policing lobby have masterfully gained access to the talking points of progressives and the media. In the last year, since the racial justice uprisings spurred on by the murder of George Floyd, policing lobbyists have cleverly seeded talking points about a "crime wave" that is a racist dogwhistle about the impacts of a movement for liberation and justice led by Black and brown civil rights leaders, which includes critical calls to defund and abolish policing systems that would put policing lobbyists out of power and out of work. This is not the crime wave you’re looking for...we created a culture of machine guns in schools, closed the restaurant and hospitality industry for two years (where millions of underpaid people work) ,and then called it a crime wave just when abolitionists began to take hold of the public imagination.
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